diamond embroidery digitizing co

互联网站: www.diamondemb.com
电话号码: 0591-86051533
传真号码: 0591-86051513
联系人: kitty
详细地址: HualingRoad, Gulou Community
市镇: fuzhou, China
网上地图: 查看大图
CNWebDir No.LK-243470-1428
Diamond Embroidery,located in Fujian, China, is a company which specializes in embroidery digitizing services. Formerly, it was a department which was set up by the parent embroidery factory in 1990, with the aim to satisfy the enlarging business and meet the urgent need for embroidery digitizing on a globe scale. Through years of development, we have grown into a self-contained company equipped with experienced digitizers. Our ultimate goal is to provide the world-top embroidery design ,embroidery services.

embroidery service
embroidery design
embroidery digitizing
embroidered punching

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