Doupine Art
We are one of the strongest oil painting suppliers in China. Our oil painting reproductions of old masters are shipped to almost every corner of the world. With about 300 skilled and experienced artists, the oil paintings are satisfying our customers. Meanwhile, the excellent oil painting supervision team can make you fully confident in our product.
On the honest and faith principle in these 10 years, we get a good reputation within our customers.
Please feel free to browse Every subject and style are available, such as: abstract, boat, nude, modern art, flower, landscape, paris, Still life, streetscape, people, venice etc.
We have more than 2420 items on our website for your choice.
All the pictures of painitngs are the photos of actual painting which are 100% handmade by our experienced artists.
Custom paintings from the pictures of customer's are acceptable.
Furthermore, wooden frame and watercolor painting also fall into our business scope, which can provide you one-stop service.