LX Needle Detector Equipment Co.,LTD

互联网站: www.0769jc.com
电话号码: 86-769-23870109
传真号码: 86-769-83228650
联系人: Chen [email protected]
详细地址: No.86Jinhu Garden,Hengken,Liaobu
市镇: Dongguan, China
网上地图: 查看大图
CNWebDir No.LK-292574-1936
Main business of LX Metal Detecting Equipment: All kind of metal detector for industrial,such as:hand hold needle detector,platform needle detector,auto-conveying needle detector,wide detecting area needle detector. The other metal detector of LX Metal Detecting are Walk through metal detector,hand hold metal detector,Under ground metal detector,treasure huntor,security products. For Garment, blazer, coat, jacket, shirt, skirt, short, pants, dress, children wear,Knit wear,bedding,hat,handmade garment,beaded garment,beaded scarf,evening wear,hand knitted garment,Swimwear,foot wear,sock,cloth,fabric,sport shoes,wig,food.....

Main business of LX Metal Detecting Equipment: All kind of metal detector for industrial,such as:hand hold needle detector,platform needle detector,auto-conveying needle detector,wide detecting area needle detector.
The other metal detector of LX Metal Detecting are Walk through metal detector,hand hold metal detector,Under ground metal detector,treasure huntor,security products.
For Garment, blazer, coat, jacket, shirt, skirt, short, pants, dress, children wear,Knit wear,bedding,hat,handmade garment,beaded garment,beaded scarf,evening wear,hand knitted garment,Swimwear,foot wear,sock,cloth,fabric,sport shoes,wig,food.....

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