guangzhou baiyun district wasion electronic factory

电话号码: 86-20-36199727
传真号码: 86-2061127453
联系人: juliwei
详细地址: huaming industry,shijing town,baiyun district
市镇: guangzhou, China
网上地图: 查看大图
CNWebDir No.LK-259706-1540
Wasion is located in baiyun district, guangzhou, China, we are a private factory that specilize in the Safety anti-theft electronic products and fire electronic products, including the development, production and sale.Also offer the injection molding and mold processing.For attaching importance to the customers' demands, constantly improve ourselves, well after-service and resolve the proplems in time from customers's feedback, our producs are high quality and inexpensive and sold all over the world.Hight quanlity, good benefit, innovation, trust are your wish, it is also ours.Looking forward to making Win-win cooperation with you

Wasion is located in baiyun district, guangzhou, China, we are a private factory that specilize in the Safety anti-theft electronic products and fire electronic products, including the development, production and sale.Also offer the injection molding and mold processing.For attaching importance to the customers' demands, constantly improve ourselves, well after-service and resolve the proplems in time from customers's feedback, our producs are high quality and inexpensive and sold all over the world.Hight quanlity, good benefit, innovation, trust are your wish, it is also ours.Looking forward to making Win-win cooperation with you

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