
电话号码: 86-13510638379
传真号码: 86-755-26818796
联系人: Jack Xiao
详细地址: 4th Industrial Zone Fenghuang,Fuyong Baoan District, Shenzhen Guangdong China.

市镇: Shenzhen, China
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CNWebDir No.LK-254784-1217
Our company mainly manufactoring precision plastic molds and their parts. Our business scope of all sorts of auto accessories, furniture industry (office), electrical industry, mediacal industry and 2 shot molding.With many years experience in this field, we can provide you 'Quality Products, Excellent Service, Competitive Prices and Prompt Delivery'.

Our business scope of all sorts of auto accessories, furniture industry (office), electrical industry, mediacal industry and 2 shot molding.

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