
互联网站: www.qdxfsj.com
电话号码: 0532-84887570
传真号码: 0532-84857017
联系人: 罗祺泉
详细地址: 山东省青岛市四方区郑州路1号雁山世纪商务中心806室
市镇: 青岛, China
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CNWebDir No.LK-263713-2514
*我们以专业的技术,优质的产品,创新的精神策划销售以下的产品. Below we by the specialty technology, the high quality product, theinnovation spirit plan sell the product。 ~ 合各行各业的塑胶周转箱、箩、桶; Suits all the various trades and occupations the thing to flow theturnover box and the correlation thing flows the appliance ~物流、仓储、货运所需塑料托盘(卡板),多种标准尺寸、型号; The thing flows the appliance, stores in a storehouse the equipment,the goods traffic needs the plastic tray (to fork template), variouscountries standard size product. ~ 用于电子、塑胶产品的中空板箱,可任意制作各种尺寸周转箱、隔板;有普通型、防静电型、导电型; Uses in the electronic products, the revertex product center spatialwooden crate, may wilfully manufacture each kind of size turnover box,the partition board; And may manufacture the ordinary product, guardagainst the static electricity product, the electric conductionproduct; ~配套生产便于企业进行5S管理的零件整理柜、文件整理柜系列; The enterprise carries on the product which the 5S management needs touse, the classified depositing components hard cabinet, the classifieddepositing document hard cabinet ~塑木型材∶可按顾客需要制作非标尺寸的托盘,产品具有密度高,耐酸碱,二次加工性好,出口免薰蒸。 Models the wooden molding: May act according to requests tomanufacture the different specification the tray, the product has thedensity high, bears the acid and alkali, two workability are good,export do not use disinfection processing


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