
互联网站: www.yjjiade.com
电话号码: 86-662-3158878
传真号码: 86-662-3158978
联系人: 卢生
详细地址: 金郊集贸市场
市镇: 广东省阳江, China
网上地图: 查看大图
CNWebDir No.LK-280969-1584
阳江市江城佳德日用制品厂,位于广东省着名的滨海旅游城市阳江市,美丽的阳江市,有滨海沙滩、峰林溶洞、温泉瀑布、湖光山色、灿烂的人文景观、交通发达、素有东方夏威夷和五金之乡的美称。 “佳德”创建于九十年初。是阳江一家专业生产开瓶器,小刀,刀叉更,杂件等五金系列产品的厂家.以造型美观实用,质量上乘,品种齐全畅销国内外,深受客商信赖和用户青睐! “佳德”立足中国,面向世界,秉承“最佳质量,优秀品德”的企业宗旨,来给用户提供最优质价格合理的产品,本着平等互利的原则,热诚欢迎海内外客商莅临洽谈业务,共图发展,开创新业绩!

Jiade Houseware Factory, locating in Yangjiang city which is famous over the world with the hardware and there also is the beautiful travel city in the china, and with the beautiful beach, hotspring, waterfalls and advantageous traffic in Yangjiang that is very good for development the economy for Yangjiang, and also is propitious to do some good business with you.

Jiade Houseware Factory was found at the beginning of 90S, our main products include the bottle opener, knives, forks and other hardware, high-quality, practicality and different style of our products were salable in China and foreign market, all of these were won the customer’s trust and favor for us.
Our factory was established in China and face to the world, our purpose is “the best quality and excellent moral character”, we always offer you the competitive prices and highest quality products, and we are looking forward to establish the good business relationship with you, Welcome to visit our factory and our show-room.

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