Autofocus International Co,Ltd

电话号码: 86-137-60152943
传真号码: 86-137-60152943
联系人: Christy Chan
详细地址: No188,Jianshe Road,Luohu
市镇: Shenzhen, China
网上地图: 查看大图
CNWebDir No.LK-244958-2420
We engaged in making auto electrical diagnostic tools, such as , KWP2000 ECU Flasher, ELM Compatible Interfaces, ISO9141 & KWP2000 compatible Interfaces, Carsoft Compatible Interfaces, Vag-Prog, VAG-COM Diagnostic Cables, CAN KKL USB, BMW Carsoft 6. 5, MB Carsoft 7. 4, Mileage Correction Tool Kit(TachoPro). ?@?@We continue to extend our global reach and today has thirteen companies covering North America, Europe, Central and South America, and North Africa, South Africa region. We have already sell our products to more than 80 countries. ecufocus"s products and solutions have been deployed by over 150 operators in over 80 countries/regions and 28 of the world"s top 10 Auto Electrics operators are using ecufocus"s equipments and products.

X431,XCAR431,XCAR 431,XCAR,AK500,FLY108

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