bistar lighting

电话号码: 13706897970
传真号码: +86-579-8766931
联系人: eric wu
详细地址: 浙江兰溪轻工业园
市镇: China
网上地图: 查看大图
CNWebDir No.LK-278948-1729
We are the professional lamp manufactory in China.Zhejiang Province.most of our porducts are popular in Europe and USA,the turnover that we got last year was more than 1.5 million USD,and we specialize in the Halogen Lamp/Sodium Lamp/Metal Halogen Lamp /krypton flash lamp/infra-red heat lamp/ultraviolet high-pressure mercury lamp and other special lamps that used in all fields. we can afford you high products with attractive price. It is our wish to set the long-term cooperation with you and stand behind your business.

Halogen Lamp/Sodium Lamp/Metal Halogen Lamp
/krypton flash lamp/infra-red heat lamp/ultraviolet high-pressure mercury lamp and other

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