Guangzhou SGDQ Electronics Factory

电话号码: 0086-20-86806861
传真号码: 0086-20-86806862
联系人: Danny_Zhu
详细地址: Yayao Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong China
市镇: Guangzhou, China
网上地图: 查看大图
CNWebDir No.LK-294182-1178
Guangzhou SGDQ Electronics Factory, established in 1996, specializes in designing and manufacturing car audio & video systems. Our products range includes various types of car LCD monitors, LCD TVs, Multimedia players, GPS, car parking systems, and other innovative automotive products.

Guangzhou SGDQ Electronics Factory, established in 1996, specializes in designing and manufacturing car audio & video systems. Our products range includes various types of car LCD monitors, LCD TVs, Multimedia players, GPS, car parking systems, and other innovative automotive products.

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