WE ARE GLAD TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES AS EXPORTERS OF PHARMACEUTICAL RAW MATERIALS. UMA BROTHERS specializes in supply of Pharmaceutical raw materials, Pharmaceutical excipients, Intermediates and Specialty Chemicals. Besides stock and sale, core business activities involve exclusive marketing contracts for distribution of products manufactured in India and sourcing of Indian products for overseas buyers.
UMA BROTHERS was formed in 1975 by Mr. Ashok Shah. UMA BROTHERS's reputation is built on foundation of many years of experience and transparent business dealings and is acknowledged as a highly reputable source for supply. UMA BROTHERS's strength lies in prompt deliveries with consistent quality supplies from 100kg to multiple ton lots.
pharmaceutical raw materials, bulk drugs , bulk drugs & its intermediates, speciality chemicals, organic chemicals, fine chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals , pharmaceutical intermediates, new api`s molecules , vitamins, antibiotics, excipients