
互联网站: www.ahglow.com
电话号码: 86-757-86158167
传真号码: 86-757-86158767
联系人: wilson
详细地址: GD.,China
市镇: Fosan, China
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CNWebDir No.LK-275038-1674
We are China professional manufacturer for all kinds of chemical glow in the dark items such as: Glow sticks, lightsticks, glowsticks,light stick, glowing bracelet, Glow badges,glow button, light sticks, glow fishing float,chemical glow novelties,...... Any interests,please feel free to contact us. E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.ahglow.com Tel: 86-757-86158167 Fax:86-757-86158767

glow sticks light sticks

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